Bromford Flood Scheme Questions
Dear resident,
Thank you for taking the time to come and talk to us about our flood scheme at the ‘Big Lunch’ event on Bromford Drive and for signing up to receive future updates about the scheme.
We received a lot of questions at the Big Lunch event.
Please Click Here for a FAQ document which provides answers to the most frequently asked questions to date.
We will be in Bromford again on 4 August 2018 to talk to resident at the ‘the Vikings are Coming’ event held on the green by Chillinghome Road from 12noon to 4pm.
We will be there to talk to you about the scheme but will also have someone on hand to talk to you about flood risk in Bromford and about being flood aware.
Please come and say hello, find out more about flood risk in your area and let us know if you have any further questions or ideas related to the flood scheme.
If you know of anyone who may wish to subscribe to these email updates, please ask them to send an email to with their details.
Kind regards,
Imke Goalby
Public Liaison Officer - West Midlands
Contact | Ext: 02084 749657 | Mob: 07769741526 | Team: 02030 251583
Address | Sentinel House, 9 Wellington Crescent, Fradley Park, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 8RR